The expert seminar FORUM URBES MEDII AEVI abbreviated to FUMA is an annual specialized international conference devoted to particular problems of urban archaeology. Yet the title reveals that it is first of all a discussion forum on actual topics offered over and over by new excavations of medieval town cores. The aim of this annual seminar is an information exchange between professional departments throughout Central Europe, namely not only between archaeologists but also building historians and preservationists.

The first seminar was organized to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Brno department of the company Archaia, and it focused on the problem of long-time systematic excavations of towns in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The goal was above all a know-how exchange on the field of management, strategy, excavation methods, cooperation with bureaus of public administration and self-administration or builders as well as in the region of media and public relations. After a positive reception of this first meeting we decided to organize the conference on the problems of urban archaeology every year.

Contact address:
Bc. Lucie Černá
Mgr. Marek Peška
ARCHAIA Brno o. p. s., Bezručova 15, 602 00 BRNO
Czech Republic
E-mail: lcerna@archaiabrno.cz; mpeska@archaiabrno.cz
Cell No: +420 777 239 553
Phone: +420 515 548 650

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